Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More on the Scalwag Rawls.

Via Billy

Thanks to the Virginia Executive Committee of the SCV for finally taking action to remove S. Waite Rawls from the SCV for conduct unbecoming an SCV member. His continued disrespect of the Confederate flags, our Confederate veterans, and the Confederacy in general is to be condemned and he should be expelled.

I would encourage you to also look at the Board of Directors of the MOC and any other MOC leadership that has been involved in the travesty that now occurred at Appomattox. It is enough that that word represents surrender; it is too much that it should represent any shame or disrespect.

I would urge you, and the national SCV leadership, to call for a boycott of the MOC by any SCV chapters or members, and also to seek the participation of such an action by other southern organizations.

We need to also take action against the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, which now prohibits display of Confederate flags on the Confederate chapel, citing "history". It's their twisted sense of history that they invoke, since, "historically", there was no monolithic monstrosity on that property known as the VMFA, but they don't propose to demolish that building and restore the property to its original condition.


Scott Dailey
Edmund Ruffin Chapter 3000


Hello Scott, Thanks for your vote of approval for for the actions about to be taken against W. Rawls membership in the SCV. You may be aware CIC M.Givens has spent many hours on the phone with Rawls over their actions at the MOC. You can be certain that Cdr Givens is completely fed up with this shyster.

The Va Division will be working with him and International Hdqs. on investigation Rawls actions that reflects on the SCV. There are plenty grounds for expelling him from membership as you know. There are a couple of things we all need to keep in mind. He has friends in several camps in this state and others. He is a member of Longstreet camp and has a lot of support there. ( I was a member of Longstreet Camp at one time) He has many friends who are lawyers and likely to put up a lengthy legal battle that is sure to cost us money and reputation. Rawls is a very talented, slick used car salesman and has an answer for every question only there is no substance to his statements.

Therefore, we must proceed with clear heads and proper procedures. We want the International hdqs. to take the lead and boot him out...leaving the Va Div. to do the same. The best thing would be if Cdr. Givins could get him to voluntarily resign. Hopefully this will happen and soon. There are a lot of people totally mad at him just as you and I am. Keep the faith and we will try to keep everyone informed.

Ken Parsons, 2nd Lt. Cdr. VaDiv
James City Cavalry, camp 2095
Williamsburg, Va.


Hi, Ken, thanks for your well-informed response.
I understand the difficulties and risks of taking any action, which should not be done without due deliberation, however, the alternative is too vile to consider. I have been a member of the MOC since a previous director restored the Confederate battle flag to the museum. Since Mr. Rawls took over, the museum has been racked by controversy after controversy, beginning with the proposal to move the White House of the Confederacy and separate it from the museum. The property would have been lost forever, swallowed up by the VCU cancer now engulfing Richmond.

His SCV membership gives him a cloak of respectability to access SCV camps and carry out the poison that he spreads throughout the community. He has often said that the MOC is not to honor and commemorate, but to "study" the Confederacy, like a bug. SCV camps and SCV members need a clear message that trashing the Stephen D. Lee charge to the sons of Confederate veterans is not to be tolerated.

I think it is time for SCV leadership in Virginia and National to take on the task of trying to save the MOC for southerners. Southerners donated the items at the museum with the intent to honor and commemorate their ancestors. Now, these items are being shown along with exhibits on transvestites and slavery. Exhibits which have NOTHING to do with honoring and commemorating our ancestors and the Confederacy. This constitutes a breach of contract, and perhaps we ought to have attorneys examine this issue for possible litigation.

The most ridiculous reason I have ever heard of for NOT flying the Confederate flag is the "reunification plaza" in which, somehow, the nation is reunified WITHOUT the Confederacy. Mr. Rawls states that the Confederacy did not exist at that time, because of Lee's surrender. We all know that that isn't true. While citing "historical accuracy" (which is anything but accurate), Mr. Rawls saw fit to fly an incorrect U.S. flag and incorrect state flags in his "historically correct" reunification plaza.

I would encourage a boycott of the MOC. I would encourage investigation of any Board of Directors who are members of the SCV. The SCV NEEDS TO LEAD THE EFFORTS TO CORRECT THE AFFRONTS TO OUR HERITAGE. THERE IS NO ONE ELSE.

I would be willing to contribute to the acquisition of real estate near the MOC -Appomattox and the raising of a very large Confederate flag, preferably the Battle Flag or the Third National. I have several friends that are also willing to participate in such an effort.



So far as I know, all members of the DEC and all present at the convention (when this was discussed) are in complete agreement with your message, It may be a few days before evidence of any action will be visible to all of us and the SCV. but, the beginning has started and our org. will work it way thru to success.

A word about the ugliness of the “reunification Promenade” from my view point. It didn’t sink in for a few days after I first heard the words and I feel sure many of us unreconstructed rebels felt the same. Most will not understand their own feeling just as I did for some time. Then as I thought about how repulsive that was to me, I realized it is an insult to all of us unreconstructed rebels. Hell no, I am not going to be “reunified” any more than I am already! (and that’s too much)! That’s clearly a deliberate political attempt to make the claim on our minds to be “unified”. It makes me sick.

It is no longer the “slippery slope” of mind control, is a full blown drop off the deep end.
It makes me think he and his minions have been drinking from Obama’s cool aid barrel...just as some did that caused the 1862 “War of Conquest”.

If I were a member of the MOC, I would quit, write a letter to the board and tell them why and demand the unused portion of the funds be returned( don’t wait for a check). If my camp were a member, I’d do the same. I am sure some members will continue their membership but the MOC will have to feel the rejection from those that resign. He would not be a speaker at our camp again either!

In the service for Their Memory,

Ken Parsons


  1. Wiley Emmett Koon, Jr.April 5, 2012 at 3:58 PM

    I am with eveyone else on this all the way! Does anyone realize that the MOSB left it up to the Virgnia Society to do something about this? They did nothing. There official flag is the First National Flag, and works only with the UDC, SAR, MOC, etc. I am a member, but also a member of SCV as well. I have added as a supplemental ancestor my ancestor with MOSB, and will not be renewing.
    Does anyone know what happened with MOSB and MOLLUS (Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United State {the organization for Union Officers [over the officers of the union organization as well]? They went to the place a wreath at on the grounds of the Battle of Shiloh together, and Toni Turk, Adjutant, who is running for President of MOSB is trying to encourage the organizations to work together.

    What does this have to do with Rawls? He is a member of MOSB. So he might just turn in a letter of resignation to save face, and work with the UDC (as like SCV honor their officers and have no organziation specified to do such). So Rawls can still work the the UDC, MOC, and being a member of MOSB and having the same First National Flag (when we all know it was the Third National Flag that became the National Flag of the Confedercay is used by no one). What is important is that the UDC did not form until 1941 with the First National Flag. THE SCV HAS ADOPTED THE CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG AS THAT OF REAL VETERANS PASSING IT ALONG TO THE SCV WHEN IT WAS FORMED AND HAS BEEN ITS SYMBOL SINCE! So Rawls will keep going as long as their is litigation (which will ultimately humiitate him, write a letter of resignation, and/or use the MOSB who is working with organizations like MOLLUS to remain in his present position because of the statment in the MOSB Constitution that A) the MOSB official flag the First National Flag of the Confederacy, and B) being a member of MOSB gives him the same status as stated in the MOSB Constitution as working with the UDC, SAR, and MOC and the SCV is not mentioned at all! I am furious about this! It is an easy route to take, and the MOSB is finally going to get what it wants after removing itself from association with the SCV. Rawls wins either way. Can someone figure out a way out? Please help! Compatriot Wiley Emmett Koon, Jr., my email is WilesWales@gmail.com

    1. Wiley Emmett Koon, Jr.April 5, 2012 at 4:02 PM

      Please help if you can! I live in Florida, but this site seems to have it together! Thank you, Compatriot Wiley Emmett Koon, Jr., WilesWales@gmail.com

  2. Good points and I was a member of the MOSB until a few years ago when they didn't seem to be interested in fighting. Still a member of the SCV, of course. My sister knows Rawls' sister, but nothing transpired helpful between them. Here are some of my links concerning this.







