Monday, May 14, 2012

Amateur Genealogist Who Backed '1/32 Cherokee' Warren Now Admits Mistake

Lynda Smith, the amateur genealogist who unknowingly found herself at the root of the false “Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee” meme introduced to the media by “noted” genealogist Chris Child of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, acknowledged in an email to me this past Saturday, May 12, that her statement in a March 2006 family newsletter upon which Mr. Child based his claim of Ms. Warren’s Cherokee ancestry was made with no supporting documentation. It was, in fact, an honest mistake that Ms. Smith now acknowledges is entirely without foundation.

More @ Breitbart


  1. The liberal world doesn't seem to be doing well recently.

  2. This beat`s anything I`ve ever heard for just plain stupidity.

  3. The latest attempt is something in a cookbook. Can't make these things up.
