Sunday, May 13, 2012

A scythe & boots

For some reason, the following scene is engrained in my mind though but a brief few seconds many years ago. As I was driving to the farm one morning, I passed a farmer who supported his family on a small farm. This morning he was cutting weeds in his ditch with a scythe and I observed his water bottle and boots side by side a short distance away. He took off his boots to save wear and tear.

The video below makes a good perspective between bare feet and a scythe

Video via Traditions & Skills


  1. Scenes of this kind are what it mean`s to be an American.I was too young to realize it at the time ,but one of the most cherished memories of my life was having seen my grandfather work team`s of horses plowing and drawing log`s.The video-game generation will never know ,or for that matter even care how much of real life they will never experience.

  2. Thanks. We had tractors, but also mules and horses.
