Thursday, May 3, 2012


Via midnightrider

Warning: Vile Language.

I opened a real can of worms last week. I hadn’t even planned on going fishing. But one thing I know about worms, is that they can be found wallowing in the mud.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Whenever you go trolling for the bottom feeders you can expect to get slapped with a little bit of muck.

It takes a thick skin to put up with some of the crap that comes my way. But that is OK. I learned in life that if you are going to dish it out you better know how to take it.

Well, I can take it. I refuse to be ridiculed into silence…especially by the deviant-left….and especially when what I am speaking is the truth.

I must have hit a nerve. As my buddy Mark wrote me, “You must be doing something right, Coach. You know you are effective when you can hear the pigs squeal.”

Well, I don’t know if they are pigs, but they sure act like it. More aptly, they are like dogs returning to their vomit.

The tolerant-sodomites unleashed their gutter-language on me after the posting of my commentary “Two Manly Men in Maine.” I thought it would be educational for you to be able to read some of the emails I received as a result of an innocent, coherent, exposition of the Truth. 


  1. A true and honest article. It's true sodomy is evil. But the people influcenced by satan take offence on the word sodomy.

  2. All they do is show their true self.

    I wonder how good that dick will feel in their ass while they roast in hell for eternity.

    Like the author, I am tired of them being offended. They can kiss my white Southern ass because they offend ME!!!!!

  3. Like Muslims. I'm sure there are some good ones, but I'm going to make it a point to never find out.
