Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Some goodies from Ol' Remus

art-link-symbol-small.jpgHistory, is strewn with the wrecks of nations which have gained a little progressiveness at the cost of a great deal of hard manliness, and have thus prepared themselves for destruction as soon as the movements of the world gave a chance for it. Culture is a precious inheritance. immeasurably more difficult to achieve than to destroy, and, once destroyed, almost irretrievable, --Roger Kimball in this article, Future tense, XI: The lessons of culture, at The New Criterion.

art-link-symbol-small.jpg Many universities, avid for every dollar of income they can get, have collaborated in the process by grade inflation and the creation of degrees in meaningless subjects. Among the consequences is that a college degree is gradually coming to mean as little to a potential employer as a high school diploma already does.
-- Francis Porretto in this article, Moron's Everywhere, at Bastion of Liberty.

I have trouble accepting the idea that Hitler was a vegetarian. He just didn't seem that pushy.
--Jim Goad at takimag.com

Very seldom have political upheavals not elevated the very worst to the very highest positions. Moreover, the "very worst" are aware of this, which is why one finds a disproportionate number of the unscrupulous—the liars, the thugs, the embezzlers, and miscellaneous other blackguards—in the strategy councils of left-oriented movements... Note that almost as soon as Barack Hussein Obama took office, he began to elevate the worst of his lieutenants to the highest positions available.
--Francis Porretto at bastionofliberty.blogspot.com

The ritual begins again. But this time, the Republicans are going to fight even harder before surrendering and raising the debt limit just one more time!
--Vox at voxday.blogspot.com

Haiti is the second free nation of the Western Hemisphere and the world's first black republic. Yet in 2001 – almost two centuries' freedom notwithstanding – Haiti remains more underdeveloped than much of Africa from which it emerged. Haiti is not merely the poorest country in the hemisphere but one of the poorest anywhere.
--Robert and Nancy Heinl, Written In Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1995, at amazon.com


  1. Good morning Brock : )
    Those are some good quotes.
    Miss Violet

  2. in re: Haiti:

    What's never said is that the other half of the same island - populated by a different set of people - is a verdant paradise visited by tourists from all over the world while Haiti's half is a barren wasteland of filth and ruin...

  3. Thanks Miss V and I'm sure the non-comment on the other half of the island was just an editor's overlook DD..........:)
