Thursday, November 8, 2012


Via Green Mountains Homesteading


  1. When i saw that picture (which I copied and posted), I didn't read it the way you guys did.

    I just saw it as expressing a nostalgic farewell to a way of life which no longer exists.

    I don't see any possible way the damage can be salvaged.

  2. I don't see any possible way the damage can be salvaged.

    The number of people declaring violence is inevitable has increased four fold since Tuesday night.

  3. I can't say it was nice knowing you.
    I can say it has been HELL knowing you!
    Laws, taxes upon taxes, the cheating, manipulations, the theft, the killing of my people. What has that government EVER done that honest and truthful the last 150 years? It's killed my people, destroyed and stolen our property. Caused untold suffering among my people. I'm now having to look over my shoulder at some of the things I say and do in fear of pissing off the government. They won't leave me alone, or any of us. They tap our phones and monitor our internet messages. They've conducted fraudulent wars and imprisoned innocent people. They impose illegal taxes and laws upon us and coerce and blackmail us into paying those taxes and following those laws. And you try and tell ME it was nice knowing you America? Sir, I tell you, the pleasure is NOT and has never been mine!
    It can go rot in the ash heaps of history, fore that is where it already has one foot and is placing the other!

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

    1. Good rant and our Indians feel percisely the same.
