Thursday, November 8, 2012

Urgent Post-Election Update



Dear Friend of Parental Rights,

There is no polite way to say this. Our goal of protecting parental rights just got a lot harder as a result of Tuesday’s election. This is especially true in the U.S. Senate where we will now face 53 Democrats who have uniformly supported UN treaties to undermine our families and our national sovereignty.

Those who wish to push America into the camp of UN-controlled nations have to be absolutely giddy at their prospects.

Before the election, we had obtained intelligence that the proponents of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities were going to make a serious run for ratification during the lame duck session of Congress that starts next week. Their chances of success have dramatically improved.

We can and must fight back. We need 34 Senators to stand against these efforts that would place American policy and our families under the watchful control of the United Nations.

It is going to take a far more robust effort to stop the ratification in this political atmosphere. And, frankly, we are under-staffed. We must add two or three staff members to do the ground work needed to put a full-court press on the U.S. Senate and stop this UN take-over.

We also need additional staff for a new state legislative project to protect parental rights immediately while we continue to work for a permanent solution with the Parental Rights Amendment.

I will have more to say about the state-level project next week.

But time is absolutely of the essence to stop the Senate from handing our nation over to the bureaucrats in New York and Geneva. Please give sacrificially today to halt this pro-treaty surge.

I just returned from Germany where parental rights in education are non-existent. German parents warned me to redouble my efforts to stop these UN treaties lest we fall into the same trap.

I need your help right now.


Michael Farris

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