Saturday, November 10, 2012


Tim Manning
1. The person who did not vote elected Obama . . . absurd.
2. The people who voted for a third party candidate elected Obama . . . absurd.
3. We lost because the white vote decreased from the needed 74% to only 72% . . . absurd.
4. We ran a Mormon against a Muslim so we lost . . . absurd. 
5. The Democrats cheated the voting machines more than we cheated the voting machines . . . absurd.

6. People just did not understand that we are the party of less government . . . oops, I think I might puke on this one . . . excuse me for a second so I can visit the Little Generals Room.

7. Ron Paul and the Libertarians cost us of the election . . . absurd.

8. The answer is to nominate a Ron Paulesk, maybe Rand Paul, nominee for the next presidential election who will sound like Ron Paul on the issues and the Federal Reserve . . . absurd.

9. The answer is to nominate socialistesk nominee for the next presidential election who will sound like Obama, maybe a black, a Hispanic or a woman . . . absurd.

10. Etc., etc., etc.

Just a whole series of absurdities on stilts from the think-tank wonder-minds of the Stupid Party. Republicans are offering any and every kind of explanation that will avoid blaming themselves for this election loss.

FOXNEWS and the RNC need a true "no spin zone" as well as a "no brain fart zone." Pat Buchanan has a lot that could benefit them in this regard which is why neither party likes him.

Democrat fascist Marxists are too ideological, corrupt and immoral to run the country, and Republican fascists are too stupid, immoral and too corrupt to run the country. It would appear that the two elements these parties have in common is that they are both fascist and they are both corrupt. By the way, corruption and fascism are common traits of falling empires.

How long will we permit ourselves to be insulted by immoral hollow-heads who are impressed with their own self-importance?


  1. FOXNEWS and the RNC need a true "no spin zone" as well as a "no brain fart zone." Pat Buchanan has a lot that could benefit them in this regard which is why neither party likes him.

    If i won the lottery I would absolutely buy a tv network. I would stir up so much shit. Pat Buchanan would have his own show whether he wanted it or not.

    1. Pat Buchanan would have his own show whether he wanted it or not.

      Amen, Sir.

  2. I think enough of us agree with you to do it without a lottery ticket. It was once called "Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor." All of the Founders were not rich, just determined that the status quo had to go. This election was won by the status quo. George Will said this morning, "Status Quo, only more so." Even FDR recognized that sometimes both baby and bathwater had to go. He said, "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation." The writings of the Founders, both Federalists and Anti-Federalists, ring with fresh meaning for me after this sad, sad, election. I recommend their reading to all.

    My dictionary gives as an antonym for "status quo", 'abnormality'. I think our enemies would rather use extremist or racist as adjectives for us. Well, my heroes in retirement web surfing have become men like the "Southern Fire Eaters, of whom I never heard in about 20 years of state schooling.

    On June 17, 1865, Edmund Ruffin, whose life and fortune had been destroyed by the War, wrote this note and killed himself in what has been called "the last shot of the war."

    "I here declare my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social, and business connection with the Yankees and to the Yankee race. Would that I could impress these sentiments, in their full force, on every living Southerner and bequeath them to every one yet to be born! May such sentiments be held universally in the outraged and down-trodden South, though in silence and stillness, until the now far-distant day shall arrive for just retribution for Yankee usurpation, oppression, and atrocious outrages, and for deliverance and vengeance for the now ruined, subjugated, and enslaved Southern States!
    ...And now with my latest writing and utterance, and with what will be near my latest breath, I here repeat and would willingly proclaim my unmitigated hatred to yankee rule—to all political, social, and business connections with Yankees, and the perfidious, malignant, and vile Yankee race."
    Edmund Ruffin

    I am also thrilled by the account of William Lowndes Yancey, who moved to the North as a boy and became a strong voice for Unionism and then gradually changed into "the Prince of Fire Eaters." He preached Secession long before it became popular.

    On today, of all days, I must write something to honor veterans. I can barely hold a rifle, my favorite tool, nor hoe a row of corn, but I can write and I dedicate it all to my bronze star, 4th Infantry Division, Combat Rifleman and BAR toting, father, Horace Sr., and to my Phillipine War grandfather, Silas Smith, who was going away the best rifle shooter I ever witnessed. They both fought for the Union but lived for the South.

    I was taken to task this week by some soft-headed old friends for my refusal to join them in routinely praying, "God Bless America." They were outraged by my response, "God Bless the South." Heh.

    1. "status quo", 'abnormality'.

      "God Bless the South." Heh.


  3. I neglected to ask, "has Ruffin's far-distant day now arrived for just retribution for Yankee usurpation, oppression, and atrocious outrages, and for deliverance and vengeance for the now ruined, subjugated, and enslaved Southern States!"?.

  4. The Republicans have the smell of death upon them. I am reminded of the Whigs in 1852. Should they fragment as a party, I would certainly expect the Democrats to follow shortly thereafter, as the only thing holding their intrinsically unstable coalition together is their opposition to the Republicans.

    Oh, that those happy days might come soon!

  5. Oh, that those happy days might come soon!

    Annette Hanshaw - Happy Days Are Here Again
