Saturday, December 29, 2012

A rifle behind every blade of grass

Via Terry


"Diane Feinstein (besides being a raging hypocrite, since she had a concealed carry permit and now has armed bodyguards) knows darned good and well that nearly everyone who possesses the firearms or accouterments listed in her legislation won’t passively turn them in, register them, allow themselves to be fingerprinted or photographed, or otherwise compromise their right to own their guns free and unfettered and un-infringed. She knows that. 

Rather, her unstated goal is to turn tens of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens – zap! – into criminals at the stroke of a pen. The government initially won’t “go after” anyone with these newly illegal firearms; but when they want to nail someone for a minor offense, they’ll already have a rap sheet for him. If this legislation passes, then potentially as much as half of America automatically and instantly becomes “domestic terrorists” for possessing illegal weaponry. After all, who but a terrorist would want to possess scary-looking firearms? 

More @ WND


  1. Miz Feinstein may go perform the much talked of ditty on her own body.

  2. Should they turn me into a criminal, I'm going to be the best criminal I can be.

    So far not a single parking ticket ...

    What an ugly, old bird.

