Friday, January 4, 2013

Screen shot of Brady's Campaign Rape and Guns poster

Via comment by Anonymous on Rape, Guns and the "Brady" Campaign


  1. Yeah, saw this crap earlier today. So a rape only lasts 30 seconds, but if a woman defends herself and shoots the bastard that's intent on raping her, that's MURDER????

    In just exactly what fucked up retard universe do those "people" live in, how did they get here, and how much will it cost to send them back-or to Hell, whichever is cheaper and faster?

    1. In just exactly what fucked up retard universe do those "people" live in, how did they get here, and how much will it cost to send them back-or to Hell, whichever is cheaper and faster?

      I imagine both are solutions are identical. My original post was questioned as not being authentic, but evidently was proved correct with this revelation.

  2. Replies
    1. You must be a gov. Lacky if you think that's photo shopped. Do some research before you post something so brainless.
