Sunday, May 12, 2013

Where the Hell are the Americans ?


  What has become of this country founded by individualists, free souls and men with the courage of their convictions ?

  Why have we allowed ourselves to deteriorate into such a despicable state that the freewill that created that famous “American Attitude” many around the world love to hate is now foreign and considered something to be repressed ?

  How many of you hesitate or no longer speak freely out of fear or retaliation and labeling ?

How many of you believe that your Christian religious beliefs are under attack by our Domestic Enemy and their policies of appeasement towards muslim potentates and their over financed representatives here in the US ?

 How many of you fear racial retaliation for speaking openly about your rights, your political representation or your personal views ?

 Why have we allowed ourselves to be belittled, kowtowed and intimidated by foreigners and domestic enemies into being, what our founders would be embarrassed to be, a nation of sheep begging for a sheep dog’s protection ?


More @ Trying Times


  1. Well Brock; I get called a Racist cause I don't think Mexicans should vote. I get called a Homo-phobe. Cause I don't think perverts should marry. I get called a "gun nut" cause I believe in the 2A. All that and more at least once a week. (My favorite is my brother that calls me a "right wingnut") I tell him "if you are afraid to exersize rights, you don't have any" Ray in Ky

    1. Yup, no sense in being nice to relatives who are idiots.

  2. I'll tell you where they went. The ones who haven't been whussie-fied or indoctrinated are dead. All but the few who learned and remember the hard lessons our ancestors lived. Since America's founding our bravest and most honorable have gone to war to preserve our ideals. Each generation has fewer and fewer of those souls. What does that leave the next generation to repopulate the country with, the Dr. Spock generation? Look at the modern military, our guardians of liberty. Can you find one among them who will endure what your and my father did during WW2 ? I thought so, yep there a handful, mostly in one of the special force branches. Our elite today was the average soldier of yesterday.
    Our government has actively practiced the opposite eugenics of Adolph Hitler. Instead of trying to breed a super race, they have actively tried, and succeeded in breeding a nation of low-moral, low-intelligence serfs. Much easier to control them if they can't think for themselves.

    1. Our elite today was the average soldier of yesterday.

      Well said.

  3. Most of America cares more about "American Idol" than the corrupt administration, political parties and media outlets. They simply do not care that schools are indoctrinating their children not educating them. They have no clue that the schools and universities are controlled by anti-Americans that openly teach our children that America is bad. The whole country is fixated on “POP Culture” by design. Everything except for a few independent voices is controlled by 4-6 people. FOX news is an invention to fool the right and conservatives they have a voice. However, Rupert Murdoch the owner of FOX is best friends with…wait for it George Soros and supports him. So right, left, republican, democrat, liberal or conservative nothing makes a difference the elites control the game and everything else is illusion.

    Those few that do care are so busy working 10+ hours a day just to pay bills do not have time. That again is by design. The elites have ordered governments to devalue currency to the point of being worthless. If you compare the cost of anything with true value over the years, items have not gotten more expensive but in fact are cheaper today than 50 years ago. Just an example 50 years ago a gallon of gas was about a quarter, just one silver quarter. Take that same silver quarter today, convert it into today’s money, guess what you can by a gallon of gas, and have money left. So the true value of gas has decreased it is just the value of the money chasing is has decreased much more.

    Finally, the America I speak for no longer exists. From my point of view, it is gone never to return. I am not saying it cannot be replaced by a new government with the values we all treasure. However, that will take a revolution and openly talking about overthrowing the current government tends to get one jailed or killed. Now at age 61 I no longer care ALL OF WASHINGTON NEEDS REMOVED. Every politician and bureaucrats need a fair trial just before they are hung by the neck until dead. Also do not think Washington is the only problem EVERY state government needs the same but that can be left to the locals…you know the 10th amendment and all. Once Washington is cleansed, we can move to New York and begin on the bankers. I just hope if Iran does develop a nuclear bomb they do not waste it in Israel but instead take out Washington and save us the trouble.

    So yes, I will speak out a lone voice, “DEATH TO AMERICA, LONG LIVE AMERICA.”


  4. They simply do not care that schools are indoctrinating their children not educating them. They have no clue that the schools and universities are controlled by anti-Americans that openly teach our children that America is bad

    Every politician and bureaucrats need a fair trial just before they are hung by the neck until dead.

    I just hope if Iran does develop a nuclear bomb they do not waste it in Israel but instead take out Washington and save us the trouble.

    That would be worth the fallout down here.

  5. H/T David at NCRenegade
    " I Miss America"
