Friday, June 28, 2013

Prosecution's Star Witness Says Trayvon Martin Called George Zimmerman a "Creepy-Ass Cracker"


During the cross-examination, while asking what she knew about a possible arrest in the case, defense attorney Don West asked her this: "There wasn't any talk at school? There wasn't any talk at the wake?"

JEANTEL:  Everybody was trying to forget about it.

(ATTORNEY) WEST:  Nothing in the news that you heard?

(WITNESS) JEANTEL:  I don't watch the news.  The only time I watch the news is for weather.

WEST:  Had you seen any press conferences or any news whatsoever --

JEANTEL:  I had told you, I don't watch news!

WEST: -- where his attorney spoke?

JEANTEL: I do not watch news!

RUSH:  And we can believe it!  We can certainly believe it.  That's a pretty convincing admission.  "I had told you, I don't watch the news," except the weather.  So this next sound bite, this is when Rachel Jeantel claims that Trayvon called Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker." During the cross-examination, Rachel Jeantel and Don West had this exchange...

JEANTEL:  I had asked him how the man looked like. He looked like "a creepy-ass cracker."


  1. She was ignorant as hell. Illiterate, no class and a racist. I hear the libtard media is fawning over her..

    1. I hear the libtard media is fawning over her..


  2. If she cannot read, I wonder what her text messages look like?

    1. She said she can't read cursive. I'm amazed she even knew the word.:)

  3. What's the big deal.. I say cracka all of the time in the grocery store. It's only when someone put's an ER on the end of it is when I get mad. Nabisco, you better watch your backs!
