Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"It will end how it has to end: in class war, race war, free men vs statists."

Via WiscoDave


 My time in the Marine Corps is coming to an end. I could stay in the organization as long as I wish, but I feel there is no point. All the talented officers I know are resigning

I wanted to share with Atlas readers a letter I received from a Marine captain I correspond with from time to time. His missive is tragic, and articulates all that I have warned of, predicted and worried so over for years. It bodes most ill ........

More @ Atlas Shrugs


  1. The second to last paragraph is powerful and true.

  2. I've heard the same things from several people I know. They are getting out now because they don't like the way the military is heading. One friend said officers are being replaced like crazy and he didn't trust the new ones.

  3. I've seen this same stupid shit happen before. They should be planning on which embassy roof to leave the nation on the last helicopter out of town. The leadership is nutless and we have brainless senators like McCain trying to get us into more stupid shit in Syria. Serial morons are running the show and the ruling elite wonders why we consider them retarded.

    1. be planning on which embassy roof to leave the nation on the last helicopter out of town. The leadership is nutless and we have brainless senators like McCain trying to get us into more stupid shit in Syria. Serial morons are running the show and the ruling elite wonders why we consider them retarded.


  4. That letter and comments make me want to scream. And because there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can be done, it will continue until we as a nation are finished. Our votes are meaningless. Our letters, phone calls, e-mails and rallies are for naught. I guess most of us will just stand and defend. And pray that there are more of us than them. Sorry for ranting....

  5. we are going to need them out of uniform when the socialist make their next move.

