Sunday, August 11, 2013

Love Pats From Uncle Sugar

Via comment by Jim on The Office of Sheriff

Your education need to span more than the past decade, that congressional hearing was from 1975…..Get it? I hope so?
Blame the chocolate jesus……… Blame the shrub bush et. al………….Blame them all. The fact of the matter this is nothing new, our government has been corrupt for a very long time.
But you already know this?
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan’s devastating bombardment of the US
Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that
President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the
Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to “open conflict.”
And I am sure you are aware of this?………………….
On the Hawaiian Islands, a group of American sugar planters under Sanford Ballard Dole overthrow Queen Liliuokalani, the Hawaiian monarch, and establish a new provincial government with Dole as president. The coup occurred with the foreknowledge of John L. Stevens, the U.S. minister to Hawaii, and 300 U.S. Marines from the U.S. cruiser Boston were called to Hawaii, allegedly to protect American lives.
To the Veterans of the community, I am sure you are aware of this bit of history?

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