Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Knights of the Golden Circle KGC Convention address Raleigh, NC. May 1860

Via Horace

Note.--The following pages are addressed to the citizens of the Southern States by order of the Convention of K. G. C. held at Raleigh, N. C., May 7--11th, 1860.
    The President of the Legion begs to ask his fellow-citizens of the South not to regard the literary imperfections of the address, as it has been prepared at intervals while canvassing the State of Virginia in furtherance of the objects of the K. G. C.; and, therefore, under great disadvantages.
    If, however, it shall tend in any measure to disseminate sentiments congenial to Southern interests, the real ends hereof will be attained, and the K. G. C. will be happy to know they have done even a little good in arousing the South to a sense of her political dangers. The day for bold and fearless speech and action has come, and the Southern citizen who fears openly to avow his sentiments in the present crisis, is unworthy of being called a son of the South.

Fellow Citizens of the Southern States:
     The object of the following pages is to fairly and honestly canvass the claims of the K. G. C. organization to your respectful consideration and unprejudiced sympathy. The Knights of the Golden Circle constitute a powerful military organization, as a nucleus around which to hang such political considerations as will, if well managed, lead to the disenthrallment of the cotton States from the oppressive majority of the manufacturing and commercial interests of the North. It would also go to Mexico in the character of a Defensive Colony, and become a centre, drawing to itself every good citizen who desires relief from the anarchy and civil wars which have so devastated that country since 1824. It would give protection to life and property, and rigidly enforce those great principles of sobriety and industry which have been so distinguishing a feature in the rise and progress of Anglo-Americanism on this continent. But the K. G. C. mean to obey the laws of the United States as well as those of Mexico, and to avoid a single act which would bring a blush of shame to our cheeks. 
As Americans, we would Americanize Mexico for the common glory of our American character, and because the interests of the nation, no matter how viewed, demand such an accomplishment by our people. As Southern men, we would Americanize the country, because therein rests the only hope of keeping the cotton States of this Union on a footing of political equality with other States. As philanthropists, we would settle and Americanize Mexico, because the happiness of the people will be enhanced; and as Knights of the Golden Circle we would colonize and Americanize the country, because we thereby open new avenues by which to benefit ourselves, financially, socially and religiously.
                                            More @ KGC


  1. An amazing group, lasting well into 20th (21st?) century. They were preparing for a second war, but laid those plans aside in 1916. Research into Jesse James and his roll. Amazing stuff!

    1. Research into Jesse James and his roll.

      I had heard about that before and ran across it again today when I was looking for an appropriate picture for this post. A Confederate soldier, as I am sure you know.
