Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Sweet Taste of Freedom: Restaurant Carry in North Carolina,+September+12,+2.00+AM.png

Who knew that legally concealed handguns would thoroughly enhance the experience of dining-out in North Carolina? It might sound like a fairy tale with the direction our country has been going lately, but freedom makes life better for people willing to carry their own weight.

Down here in the Tar Heel State, a Republican sponsored bill for comprehensive pro-gun reform just became law on the 1st of October.

As a result, concealed-handgun-permit (CHP) holders like my wife and I now have the freedom to patronize restaurants without being stripped of our right to bear arms.

In fact, we recently enjoyed dinner at one of our favorite restaurants to celebrate our restored freedom. It felt so “American” not having to stow our guns in our car just to enjoy a good meal. Freedom and guns truly enriched our whole dining experience and added to all the blessing for which we were thankful; a good meal, a wonderful sense of safety, a blessed and free country, and the freedom to thank God for all of it. Chalk it up as another victory for liberty loving Americans and this great country.

More @ Bearing Arms

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