Saturday, November 23, 2013

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Barack Obama Lies Again

Via Cousin John


  1. All true and does not matter in the least. There is not a liberal that thinks rationally. For liberals it is all about feeling. I have friends that when we talk absolutely hate NSA spying, illegal searches at airports, patriot act, no warrant wiretaps and a hundred other policies. These friends that KNOW our government is out of control. Yet they are so fearful, terrified, scared, filled with white guilt or brainwashed they are incapable of uttering one negative comment about Obama. Even knowing the truth all they can say is, “Obama is a good man and doing the best he can.” The only place the get their news is MSNBC and have learned ANYONE that disagrees with Obama only disagree because they are RACIST. They are totally terrified if they say anything, negative about Obama or they will be branded a racist.

    In the end all of these facts and truths do not matter. Liberals never consider facts it is all about how it makes them feel. So even if they know the signup for Obamacare was moved back so they will not see the prices it does not matter. There is no emotion involved they do not “feel” that change. They will vote simply on what they are feeling on Election Day.

    If the Tea Party ever wants to become a true power they MUST change their message. Yes, attacking Obama plays will with their supporters but loses the entire middle. Unless the Tea Party can reach the middle they will never have true power. Here is where I believe the Tea Party can win and win big. Liberal messages at their core are always angry and negative but they mask that by making people feel not think. The Tea Party messages other than the personal attacks, which MUST STOP are more positive and uplifting. These are winning messages. Do not attack Obama about the IRS targeting conservatives. Instead make people feel how it would affect them if they were illegally targeted by the IRS. Do not attack Obama and Clinton over the Benghazi killings. Make people feel what it would have been like to be under attack and calling to your government for help and none coming. Do not just attack Obamacare. Give people a positive message of how you will help them. Stop all the facts and attacks, replace them with positive messages that make people feel not think.


    1. “Obama is a good man and doing the best he can.”

      Good Lord. Thanks.

  2. and people still think this "president" is awesome 40%!!!!!
