Sunday, December 15, 2013

Post-Republic Republicans

Oath Keeper's Ceremony & Dinner+ 09/12/09 D.C.

There is the idea among conservatives that if we elect enough Republicans, we can straighten out the political mess the Democrats have made of this nation. That somehow Republicans will come to power and erase Obamacare, nix the NSA, take Homeland Security in hand, reduce taxes and balance the budget. This idea comes from their campaign literature. This is what they run on time and time again: restraining government, reducing taxes, market oriented solutions to our problems. This is what conservatives vote for over and over, but just like the ethnic and racial minorities on the Democratic side of the equation, the problems never get fixed.

Black unemployment is higher than it has been over the recent past. Poverty, if based on the number of unemployed (actual unemployment, not the phony numbers put out by the Labor Department); those on food stamps; those on welfare; those on subsidized housing, is at an all-time high. Giving out disability status to all who ask is just another form of voter block purchasing. Buying the vote with federal dollars continues with some idea that our economic situation can be fixed by transforming America into a socialist, or even communist nation. All it will take is time to get enough people on the federal dole to provide a permanent voting block required to take the next steps toward communism. The last election proved that this has already been accomplished.

Ethnic and racial minorities, however, will never see the fulfillment of the promise made to them by Democratic leaders. They will not get a piece of the pie, because the government is steadily consuming the pie before showing the crust to anyone else.

Unfortunately, conservatives are drinking the same Kool-Aid as every other voting block. The problem is government, not who runs it.


  1. Every Republican in government is simply a Democrat with and R behind their name.

