Sunday, December 15, 2013

Republican Senators to Sell American People Out on Budget Proposal



At 7:45 on Friday morning reports indicated zero senate republicans were planning on voting for the Ryan-Murray House budget proposal. The GOP’s Senate leaders plan is to launch a procedural effort to kill the plan over a laundry list of objections – including a claim that it short-changes military veterans and other government retirees, which is does, of course.

Dick (turban) Durbin told reporters on Thursday, “We need Republican votes to pass the budget agreement, period. We need at least five. And I’m hoping that there will be more than that.” As of Friday morning he had none.

The GOP’s three most senior senators, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, have announced that they will vote ‘no.’

As one would expect, Senator Ted Cruz said the proposal, “spends more, taxes more, and allows continued funding for Obamacare. I cannot support it.” Thanks Paul Ryan, for selling us out, and lying to Mark Levin on national radio about it.

One GOP Senate staffer, speaking on condition of anonymity said, “This is the agreement’s ‘pixie dust approach to budgeting. We’re doing what we always do. We set out a ten-year plan while knowing full well that we have a decade to undo it and shift gears again.”

Unless they can somehow find the republican senators they need, the federal government will be headed for another dreaded “SHUTDOWN” (dun-dun-dun) in three months.

That was Friday morning.

My how things change in the backrooms at the Senate in a matter of hours.

At approximately 10:00 Friday night, Politico reported:

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