Monday, January 13, 2014

Our History: The Mother of Confederate Reunions


This video is from the documentary "Echoes from the Blue and Grey" and shows various Civil War veterans enjoying reunion events.   When I was in the classroom I used to show videos like this to students....and invariably one or two of my little sweethearts would wonder how in the world those old men could fight a war.

 Of course, they weren't old men during those years the war was fought – far from it, but for many years after the war they continued to get together for reunions.

The website for The Center for Civil War Research explains:

More @ Douglasville Patch

 My husband was killed at Winchester, Virginia, in 1864, and is buried there in the beautiful Stonewall Cemetery.  I had to toil to support and school my children and keep the wolf from the door.  

Must my children and the children of other brave men who fought and died for the love of home be branded as children of rebels and traitors?
 Must the men who were spared with their children be branded as rebels and traitors for all time?

 Must the finger of scorn be pointed at these men and their children for having fought for our cause and homes?  Must they be disgraced as were the Tories who fought for King George in the Revolution?  No, no, a thousand times no!

 The cause was just and right and by the help of God I vowed to teach this to my children and to call the men of our Company (A, 21st Georgia regiment) together, talk over the war and its incidents and charge them to teach their children for all time to come that the cause for which they fought was just and right; teach them to be proud of the part they took in the conflict; teach their children that we were overcome by numbers, three and five to one - not whipped, but overcome....

--Mrs. T.C. Glover

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