Monday, January 13, 2014

Race-Baiting 101: The Common Core on Civil Rights

The progressive takeover of the public schools—dreamed up by John Dewey and put into practice over the course of at least the last sixty years—has produced nothing other than absurdity, superficiality, and political bias in the nation’s classrooms. So utterly impoverished has become the quality of schooling and the nation’s conversation about it, that whenever a so-called “reform” comes into existence—engineered by the same folks who brought us school failure in the first place—we can hardly recognize it for the shell game that it is and the continued decline that it will produce.

More @ Townhall


  1. And exactly who sold the slaves to the yankee slave traders? Other Africans, but you knew that. Somehow those parts of history get left out.


    1. Inconvenient fact for liberals who simply scream that it's a lie.

    2. Forgot to mention the fact that many of those who weren't sold were put to death by their black brethren.
