Sunday, April 13, 2014

BLM: Do Not Spay Wild Mares

Via Michael

BLM: Do Not Spay Wild Mares

The Bureau of Land Management's latest plan for wild horses is to scoop stallions into a backhoe, perform a vasectomy in the dusty open air of the range, then dump the animals out to recover from surgery in the wild. For the mares, a similar plan but this one involves inserting a tool 2 foot long tool with a noose on the end into the mare’s vagina and plucking her ovaries out one by one.

Unbelievably, these methods being advocated by Dr. Boyd Spratling, a large animal veterinarian whose role should be ensuring the care and humane treatment of animals.

Dr. Boyd Spratling, concurrently serves on an committee for the Nevada Cattleman’s Association, the board of the Nevada Dept of Agriculture, and on the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board.

Does that seem like a conflict of interest to you?


  1. Hell Brock, can't vouch for the validity of this, but doe not surprise me a bit if true.

    1. I believe it is valid. I saw a different article on the same subject a few days ago. Thanks.

  2. Ouch - that's going to hurt if they aren't properly anesthetized. Where are you, Humane Society and PETA?
