Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to pull out car from a frozen lake. Russian style

I guess I'm dense, but I don't understand how the frame was attached to the car.


  1. Brrrr - reminds me of Michigan, my Michigan ( - it looks like that frame went all the way under the car, but where did it hook on ? Also why didn't all those guys just grab onto the rope and pull the car out?

    1. Yes, for the life of me, I don't see how they hooked it unless a Scuba diver did it and I guess walking around is easier than pulling. :)

  2. I would say the Russkies will be a lot more prepared for a grid down situation.

    1. we'll be learning those tricks soon enough I suspect.
      Look at the first of it again. I think they have 2 cables tied to the rear
      bumper or perhaps the rear axle (how they got them there I don't have a clue). The cables or ropes run over the top of the wood frame and the wood frame is just slid down in the hole, not attached to the car at all,
      to serve as a skid. The two ropes/cables join into one back a few feet behind the car and run to the windless.

    2. I think they have 2 cables tied to the rear
      bumper or perhaps the rear axle (how they got them there I don't have a clue).

      Me neither unless they used Scuba. Free diving there would be dangerous, but maybe there was one brave soul they went for it. :)

  3. It's possible that they have a set of axle hooks like wrecker drivers use and they were able to "fish" them down and hook the axle or bumper. Of course, being Russians,
    they might have just jumped in and hooked it up.
