Saturday, April 12, 2014

L.A. Sheriff’s Deputies Shoot Two Of Three Hostages As They Escape, Killing One

 Victim John Winker (left), Alexander McDonald (right) has been charged with murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of torture.
Victim John Winker (left), Alexander McDonald (right) has been charged with murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of torture.

Whether you are a regular Joe or a law enforcement officer, the legal legitimacy of armed self defense is a matter of perception. You are allowed to act on what you think you see, instead of what is actually going on.

As a result of mistaken perception, two men of three men taken hostage by another armed with a knife were shot by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies as they fled an apartment, because the three deputies thought that the second man escaping was the armed suspect.

More @ Bearing Arms


  1. The primary purpose of every cop is to go home. It (the job) has nothing to do with protecting or serving. After all, it's just a job. And they only have high school educations. Sometimes...

  2. "the three deputies thought that the second man escaping was the armed suspect."
    Then why the hell did they shoot the front guy?
    Two innocent men shot; one is dead. Neither men were armed.
    Owens is too quick to give the cops a pass.
    Explain that to the grieving family, Bob. This laid back attitude about cops killing citizens, "OOPS!" happens way too often.

    1. Probably panic and missing his target, yes it happens way, way too often.

  3. I pray that nothing like this happens to my family. I've got to say that they would all get to watch their family die before they followed. There is two types of justice. Not just one. We have so little left here now, and I refuse to participate in the rampant insanity on the left.
