Monday, June 23, 2014

Information Operations, PSYOPs, and the Weaponization of Information in Iraq

Via LH

Ross Caputi is a former US marine, having served from 2003 to 2006. He took part in the second siege of Fallujah in November 2004. He became openly critical of the military and was discharged in 2006. Ross holds an MA in linguistics and is the founding director of the Justice for Fallujah Project. He is also the director of the documentary film Fear Not the Path of Truth: a veteran's journey after Fallujah


Iraqis are once again being made irrelevant in a war of spin as the Western media manipulates fact and narrative to support US action in Iraq. Debates have been raging over what the US should do about ISIS. Note the actors in this story: The US, ISIS, Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, and other regional leaders. 

Note who is missing from this story: the Iraqi civilian population. Has the question ‘What do Iraqis want?’ come up even once? Along with an overly simple narrative of the ascendence and role of the anti-Maliki fighters in Iraq, the assumption that the US has a right to decide what the best course of action for Iraq will be has gone unchallenged in the media. 


  1. And the US government can't even determine what is in the best interest of its own people. What a FFest.

  2. It is insanity by the PTB, within the behemoth of the FedGov to so filled with hubris as to presume that We the USA in its infinite wisdom to know what is best for the rest of the world. Or that the rest of the world wants to be just like us. The politicians and their media whores blather and drone on about democracy, freedom, self-determination and all the other buzz words, with the reality being it is all so much BS. I just want to puke when I hear it.
    You can not board air craft without having to prove you are not a terrorist. I can remember a time when there was no TSA, DHS. But now we have LEOs who hold the suspicion that you are guilty of so crime and they may kill you or the family pet just because they can. We have censorship, in the form of politically correct speech. You can openly take God's name in vain, use Jesus as a curse word, but you can not say the "N" word. To do so if you are will bring the full wrath of the civil rights groups down on you. You just might even lose your job if you do. Small children are handcuffed if the make mock guns or bring a plastic army man to school.
    So we (the US gov) want to force the Iraqis to live the way we think they should, when the average US citizen could not find Iraq on a world map. The sole promise we will keep is the promise to f--k them over.

  3. When I got out of the service in Oakland after 21 months in Vietnam, I flew back on Pan Am with a loaded .45 caliber derringer in my right rear pocket. Wish this was all a bad dream.
