Friday, June 6, 2014

Jack Russell vs Cape Cobra South Africa


  1. While I respect a pet that rushes to protect his "family" the owners ( presumed) in this case are foolhardy. EVERY time a pet engages a snake such as this the odds of dying are quite good. And the more often it happens the more likely it becomes till it becomes a virtual certainty. That is why here in the Great Basin those who own dogs that venture outdoors will frequently pay for aversion the dog will learn
    to avoid snakes if at all possible.

    1. I would be interested in learning more of the story.

  2. I've got a Jack Russell. He was about 2 when we got him. Not long after I walked out in the yard and found a Copper Head Moccasin laid out straight all except for a right angle bend right behind it's head. Good Dog!
