Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jack Trammell: A Professor Only on Paper?

Via comment by Susan on That Which Must Not Be Said
Dave Brat and his wife, Laura. 

Headlines have claimed that Dave Brat and Jack Trammell, who will face each other in the fall to represent Virginia’s 7th District, are both professors at Randolph-Macon College (R-MC) in Ashland, Virginia. Brat is certainly a professor there, affiliated with a specific department (economics) with explicit and documented course responsibilities, as would be expected of a college professor. I have found no evidence that Trammell is a professor in the same sense at R-MC.

According to an article in the June 11, 2014 Washington Post by Mike Debonis, Jack Trammell “… has directed [Randolph-Macon College’s] disability support services department and its honors program and serves [note present tense] as an associate professor of sociology, specializing in disability issues in higher education.” These claims are misleading to say the least.

The web page of the RM-C Sociology Department does not list Jack Trammell as a faculty member. We can’t tell from the department’s course offerings which ones are related to “disability issues in higher education.” Finally, sociology department course descriptions do not provide clear evidence that Trammell teaches courses in the department. (AT readers may wish to have a look at these course descriptions for entertainment purposes.)


  1. My son, a community college librarian, was intrigued by Brat as a real econ. prof, so he researched the student ratings of Brat - over all very good plus they really like him and find him charming.
