Friday, June 20, 2014

Presbyterians Vote to Allow Same-Sex Marriages

Via Cousin John

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted at its General Assembly on Thursday to change its constitution’s definition of marriage from “a man and a woman” to “two people,” and to allow its ministers to perform same-sex marriages where it is legal.

Both measures, passed by large majorities, are a reversal for a church that in 1991 and in 2008 barred its pastors from performing same-sex marriages, and that has held ecclesiastical trials for ministers who violated the ban and blessed gay couples.

More @ The New York Times


  1. By re-defining the traditional definition of marriage, there is no reason why it can not be re-defined again and again. Marriage means what ever some one wants it to mean. A guy who is bisexual, could ask a Presbyterian minister to marry him to both his male AND female partner at the same time in the same "marriage" ceremony. There would be no reason to deny such a marriage arrangement. Also, by that same logic of marriage is between "two people", then a brother and sister could be married to each other, or a 60 year old man and a 13 year old girl since it would between "two people".

    1. The examples, I cited above, is a question of when and not if. The professional activists, now that they gotten "gay marriage" accepted are NOT going to stop, There will be a new minority community who have been denied their civil rights and have been victims of discrimination. The template will be basicly the same, with the same feed good buzz words, equality, fairness, love and social justice. After all only haters and traditional backward clingers would deny some one of their "rights". And it will work, it will give those who want to believe they are morally superior, and oh so hip and cutting edge trendy a new cause to support.

    2. Goats will be the next step. :)

  2. Another "soi-disant" Church falls to permissiveness and the wiles of Satan.
    People wonder why I teamed up with Prepping Preacher and worked with Kerodin to create the III Chaplain Corps. Precisely because more and more church groups and denominations are falling to worldly desires and self indulgences and falling away from the Word of God. The warriors of Rightful Liberty depend on the moral compass and ethics system based on the very Word of God, unchanging.
    We are recruiting! If anyone knows of anyone interested in possibly joining III Chaplain Corps, visit the blog at or email me at plemmen55ATgmailDOTcom
    Purely disgusting to see so many fall away from true belief!

    Paul L.
    III Chaplain Corps
    Nostra Religione Nos Fortunis

  3. I hate to sound like a preacher but when you replace God’s law with mans, you have no law. God’s law is resolute lasting forever. The law of man is malleable and changes with the wind.


    1. The law of man is malleable and changes with the wind.

      Everyday, seems like it.

  4. Meh. I saw this coming. The PCUSA is the liberal branch of Presbyterians. They voted a long time ago that pastors did not need to actually believe in the deity of Christ. That was when the PCA split from them. of course OPC split when they started playing music that was personally written by Martin Luther.

    1. Thanks, didn't know that. My mother left the Episcopal church when they changed the prayer book and I left when I found out from a friend that they had thrown my letter asking for contributions to a Vietnamese orphanage in the trash can. I've been once for something since then and I thought I was in a Holly Roller congregation.:)

  5. I'm a Christian but haven't been in a church in a long time. To me churches have become country clubs for "religious" people. The lower case c church seems to me to have very little to do with the upper case C Church now days. It's become about big buildings and preachers making more than CEO's. Snobbish people showing off their fancy clothes on Sunday morning and positioning for business deals when they are supposed to be worshiping our Lord and Savior. Fancy church kitchens used once a month for the men's fellowship or women's circle while homeless people sleep in the bushes behind the multi-million dollar building. Not for me.

  6. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Presbyterians Vote to Allow Same-Sex Marriages":

    Another 'dead' church. I will have nothing good to say about this now, 'cult'.
