Sunday, July 20, 2014

Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University

 Aunt Jemima
I thought that Aunt Jemima's pancakes were just good, didn't know that I was racist.........

Gee Whiz........This is a museum all of us guilty Whites must visit while begging forgiveness for our past racist actions and of course donate more of our hard-earned money to continue encouraging  black-hatred of Whites........they is moving on up to the top rail........


  1. Ferris State is located in the central part of the Mitten of Michigan out in the boondocks. I see that Henry Gates Jr. found his way to the Jim Crow Museum. Thank goodness for Mrs. Butterworth to save the day for Aunt Jemima!

    1. :) Onward, evermore until we reach a Communist world! :)

  2. Utopia on Earth ! At least for those who comply - You and Me - we be heading for the FEMA / Re-Education camp... at least we will have good company ;)

    1. I can always find the Upside to everything - one of my better qualities ;)

    2. I'm afraid we are already living in the FEMA camps.

      No need to "relocate" us to any specific geographic location.

      FEMA is a state of mind when the inmates are running the "asylum".

    3. I can always find the Upside to everything - one of my better qualities ;)


    4. FEMA is a state of mind when the inmates are running the "asylum".

      Well put.

  3. I wasnt born racist. I admit that through my own experiences with people of differant races, I do have feelings and opinions that some would label as racist. But I think racist is the wrong word. For comparison, most people dont like rats, they bite, spread filth and disease and cause destruction. Yet a tame rat in a pet store can be an interesting affectionate animal and extreemly intelligent. Some folks are good some behave undesirably. I choose to distance myself from the wild rat but dont mind the tame ones. Its my choice. I dont need a group of people or My government to tell me who I should accept and associate with. ITS MY CHOICE. No offense intended in my use of a rat for my explaination. No comparison intended. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

    1. Yup, that an excellent way to put it, I hold the undesirable off with a tightening of my shirt, they seem to notice the bulge on my hip easily that way.........

  4. Jim Crow brought to you by the democRAT party. The rat analogy was on the mark Anonymous.

  5. To whom it may concern: Take your: "that's racist" and "white privilege" and procede to shove it where the sun does not shine. If there is racism to be found, it because of you and your demented, twisted and EVIL need to find it, where it does not exist. To presume that because I am white, therefore I am racist is in fact racist on YOUR part. Yes I do discriminate and I am judgemental. However, I do it based on the content of character. A concept that you can not or will not comprehend.
    Further more, you are insane if you think that some how you can correct past injustices (as well as being very, selective as to which ones you focus on). You are out of touch with reality if you think that social wrongs can be cured by legislation. Personally I think you are an evil POS that wants to micromanage and control the lives of others. You are a tyrant.

  6. . To presume that because I am white, therefore I am racist is in fact racist on YOUR part.



    Further more, you are insane if you think that some how you can correct past injustices (as well as being very, selective as to which ones you focus on). You are out of touch with reality

    Just after filthy lucre.

  7. At a recent support group meeting I attended there were ten or twelve black men present. One young one went berserk bemoaning his treatment at the hands of "racists." I related how a white man recently said, "Judging by your accent, Horace, I suspect that you have a little racist in you." After telling him of growing up on the street next to the "coloured" section of Asheville, and promoting countless black workers to management jobs in the Aerospace business, I assured him that I made a mistake in using my wheel chair that day and having no walking cane in hand, with which I would have surely beat him unconscious.' After the meeting, black men lined up to tell me how much they appreciated my talk. One, Charles, a Vietnam Navy veteran friend, was effusive in his appreciation. Gonna get one of those folding batons to use on fools. Heh.

    1. Gonna get one of those folding batons to use on fools.

      Good idea. :)

  8. I think Forrest Gump said it best, "Stupid is as stupid does."


  9. I can't see how people can label this as being racist while the local grocery stores still stock up on Uncle Bens rice. That has a black character on it and still Aunt Jemima's face is on every major pancake mix and syrup. What an excuse this stuff still exists!

  10. To combat the charges of racism, just admit it. I do!

    1. To combat the charges of racism

      Which statement are you referring to?

    2. Why is there a Jim Crow museum? The underlying message is to illicit white guilt. The purpose is to get white quilt. When that is accomplished, one has already admitted himself to be racist.

      I just cut to the chase by getting that question out of the way, up front. A cripple cannot stand without his crutch. I just kick the crutch away. The left sets traps everywhere. This is just one of them. I'm not biting...and I'm not playing. The time for that has long since passed us all.

    3. The underlying message is to illicit white guilt.

      Yes and money. Everyone in the world has some racial prejudices or they're lying.

    4. Exactly. And when whites quit playing into their hands, the blacks in the progressive movement might find a home elsewhere. And not until then.

  11. Here is the original information about Aunt Jemima! I am sure the original owners did not in any way have racism in mind ! People should just GROW up and let it rest ! I don't think they have survived since the 1800's just because they were racist ! That is the most IGNORANT thing I've ever heard !

  12. Excellent and thanks. Hynos is a popular toothpaste in Vietnam, but when the Viet Kieu marketed here, the liberals had a fit! Racissssss :)

    1. Try this one.
