Holden Impeachment
"Holden's impeachment is demanded by a sense of public virtue and due regard to the honor of the state. He is an exceedingly corrupt man and ought to be placed before the people as a public example of a tyrant condemned and punished."
”He viewed the “all men are created equal” phrases in State constitutions as being “forced upon the people . . . by carpetbag doctors of pseudo-socio-science, while Federal bayonets held the outraged white people at bay. As soon as those doctors were run out, nearly all the States returned to George Mason’s phrase: "That all men are born equally free and independent."
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
North Carolina’s Horrid Fragment of Feudal Despotism
will exist as long as liberty exists. It unavoidably results from that
very liberty itself.” Alexander Hamilton, 26 June 1787
high school and college textbooks are loaded with equalitarian
propaganda, all pointing to the Declaration of Independence equality
clause as the “American dream” or the “American creed.”
No one
questions the right of all men to equal justice under law, but
propagandists have carried the doctrine beyond equality of rights to
equality of things . . .
Declaration of Independence never became living law in America, and no
provision of the Federal Constitution or Bill of Rights can be traced to
it and . . . its influence on State constitutions and bills rights has
been insignificant.
was written to serve the temporary purposes of a sanguinary conflict.
It was and perhaps will always be history’s most effective piece of
propaganda, but it neither grants nor protects human rights. The
Declaration of Independence does not say that all men are equal. It
says they were “created” equal. There equality ends.
[United States] Constitution proclaims in its preamble that it was
established “to . . . insure domestic tranquility . . . and secure the
blessings of liberty.” Nowhere does it hint a purpose to insure or
impose equality of men or things.
decades after 1776 North Carolina’s Bill of Rights proclaimed “that all
men are born equally free and independent.” There must surely be some
explanation as to why people who had lived under the maxims of George
Mason since 1776 should suddenly change in 1868.
Constitution of 1868 was framed in a convention called under the
reconstruction acts of [the Northern] Congress, by Major General
[Edward] Canby. It assembled at Raleigh, January 14, 1868. Federal
soldiers stood guard over deliberations. The same equality clause was
inserted in the bills or rights of many Southern States while the
natural leaders of the white people were held at bay by Federal
bayonets. See for examples, the Alabama Bill of Rights, the Louisiana
Bill of Rights of 1868, South Carolina’s of 1868 and Florida’s of 1868.
is well-known by those the least familiar with American history,
shortly after the Federal troops were withdrawn [in 1877], the white
people of the South quickly expelled the carpetbaggers and subdued the
scalawags and recaptured the State governments. Every one of those
States, with one exception, promptly called a constitutional convention
according to its own wishes in place of those imposed upon it by
military might.
struck the doctrine of human equality from their constitutions, except
North Carolina. Why North Carolina should have retained that doctrine in
her Bill of Rights is a mystery. There it stands on parchments as a
horrid fragment of feudal despotism imposed on a proud and helpless
people by superior force.”
(Equality Versus Liberty, the Eternal Conflict, R. Carter Pittman, August, 1960; www.rcarterpittman.org)
I find this interesting, have you found any reason for the post Civil War legislators to not rescind it? Was it a lack of trying, lack of interest, or possibly a realization of certain persons who in the future could use this and start their own despotism?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea also. They did pardon the tyrant Holden recently who was indeed guilty as charged. My GG Grandfather was Bartholomew F. Moore, the Father of NC Law, who turned down both Holden's request that he represent him and his opposition's request of the same.
DeleteHolden was not pardoned by the NC legislature. The recent resolution was tabled and my belief is that it perished there. While a few spineless and ill-informed Republicans spoke of Holden's "brave fight against the Klan," they overlooked the deep corruption and malfeasance of his evil administration. Not to mention that Holden "adhered to the enemy of the State and gave them aid and comfort" -- the very definition of treason.
DeleteI'm afraid that is incorrect.