Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Question Of Public Deportment

Via Jonathan

By now, the entire country knows what’s happened in Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the “no true bill” decision by the grand jury that sat on Officer Darren Wilson’s fatal shooting of giant thug Michael Brown.

I had a predictable reaction to the rioting and looting:

You can take the savage out of the jungle,
But it’s much, much harder
To take the jungle out of the savage.
I claim that the videos that have surfaced since the disorder began support that evaluation, and no other

Chiefest among the nominally nonviolent obscenities of this affair are the words of His August Majesty, Barack Hussein Obama, first Emperor of the United States:


  1. I would like to know why the cops just stood around while looting, burning of private
    property and destruction of private property continued to resume unabated.
    I watched this on Fox and it just infuriated me. I read the National Guard was
    told to stand down but Obammy could not order this only the governor.

    1. Back when the world was sane, rioters were shot on sight.

  2. That's right. Give them ample warning and let them have it. They're not worth
    one bottle of booze.

  3. Seems like common core has impacted me as well. Now what's the math formula here:
    Minus 500 a month, at what year/month/day does this problem get resolved.

    Seems like one day there will be peace.

  4. Wait and see what they (LEO) do when the white taxpayer turns to the streets.
