Sunday, March 15, 2015

Swiss and Americans


 Parade state needed - how many coming to Tribute08..? [Gundersen]
Kiwis in Vietnam

Like the Swiss, Americans will never be quietly herded en masse onto prison buses and cattle trucks.** Not by a foreign invader, and not by a home-grown socialist tyranny bent on achieving a final solution to the bitter clinger problem.

Millions of Americans will live free, or die with AR-15s, Remington 700s and other capable weapons in their hands. This is a subject that would-be American tyrants should study very carefully, even as I am sure that foreign tyrants are studying the low-hanging and juicy Kiwi fruit, made especially tempting due to its lack of protective thorns.


New Zealand is frequently mentioned as an emigration destination by American freedomistas* fearful of being trapped between our burgeoning federal police state, and the intertwining forces of social disintegration. Locations from the Bahamas to Patagonia are named, but I hear New Zealand in everybody’s top three. And in the present era, New Zealand does indeed have many desirable qualities. But what will keep New Zealand both safe and free when global conditions turn Macro Mad Max, or World War Three breaks out? Certainly not its own military forces, which independent of outside help, could not repel an invasion from Liechtenstein.

More @ WRSA


  1. Personally, I don't like Islands.

  2. New Zealand like Australia is under the Chinese gun. The US has been moving some Marines to Australia but scarcely enough to make a difference. New Zealand may eventually decide to do away with there "no nukes" stance if China becomes threatening enough. Both countries are vulnerable just as they were in WW2 with Japan at their back door.

    1. Both countries are vulnerable just as they were in WW2 with Japan at their back door.

      Yes, indeed.
