Thursday, May 28, 2015

Research Update: Waco “Twin Peaks” Shooting – Only Four Officers Fired Shots…

                   waco 11 - 1                                     

                                        Thousands of shots by by only 4 officers?
You might find this interesting.   We continue to look at resource avenues to unearth the factual story of what took place in Waco Texas at the Twin Peaks restaurant.  Toward that end we reached out to a local reporter covering the entire story with some general communication and questions.

As a result of that contact the following excerpt is direct from them (emphasis mine):
…[…] Also, to be clear, according to my research, 18 PD officers were on scene but only 4 fired weapons. All of those officers are considered “involved”, even without having fired.


  1. This is getting more and more removed from the original report.
    The fine art of dissimulation.
