Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dr. Pepper

Via Carl


  1. Always like Dr. Pepper.... even more than Nehi grape!

  2. Ahhh damn it! Since if given the choice, I will ALWAYS drink a Dr. Pepper over Coke or Pepsi, does that mean I am a racist for drinking it? Well your average liberal/SJW will answer yes, then order me a double bartender.

  3. Come to Dublin, Texas and drink the real thing made only with cane sugar.

    In 1885, the wild frontier town of Waco, Texas, was nicknamed “six-shooter junction.” Wade Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store was a prominent business and popular meeting place in downtown Waco. People came in for everything from flea powder to stationery, from cigars to fountain drinks.

    One of Morrison’s employees, pharmacist Charles Alderton, noticed how customers loved the smell of the soda fountain with its many fruit, spice and berry aromas. He wanted to invent a drink that tasted the wonderful way the soda fountain smelled. After much experimentation he finally felt he had hit on “something different.” Patrons at the drug store agreed.

    Soon other soda fountains were buying the syrup from Morrison and serving it. People loved the new unnamed drink and would order it by simply calling out “shoot me a Waco!” But Morrison named it Dr Pepper, after the father of a girl he had loved back in his home state of Virginia.

    1. Thanks for the info as I hadn't heard of this before.

    2. And I had not heard the connection between Dr. Pepper and the CSA. We both win.
