Saturday, September 5, 2015

German Concerned About Patriotic Germans Defending Their Country From Foreign Invaders

Via comment by Anonymous on ISIS smuggler: 'We will use refugee crisis to infi...
 "The German people ought to rebuild the Berlin Wall, throw Merkel into the East and all those who choose treason along with their 'refugees.'"

 Etwa 1000 Menschen protestieren am Abend des 21.08.2015 in Heidenau (Sachsen) gegen die Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern im ehemaligen Baumarkt «Praktiker». In dem seit 2013 leerstehenden Baumarkt in einem Gewerbegebiet sollen in der Nacht zum Samstag etwa 250 Neuankömmlinge untergebracht werden. Foto: Marko Förster/dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

Merkel said she will set no limits in how many they will accept.  Treason

The German government has proven themselves to be the biggest joke.  They have not listened to a large segment of their population who do not want these foreign invaders from the Middle East living among them.  The government has further agitated the problem by building facilities for the foreign invaders in places like Dresden where enormous marches protesting the Islamification of Europe have taken place.

Due to the fact, that the government is ignoring their will, patriotic German nationalists have taken matters into their own hands.  They have burnt down facilities setup for the foreign invaders and have sent a clear message that their presence is not appreciated.  As a result of the German government’s own doing, they are now expressing concern not about the foreign invaders coming in, but German patriots who are defending their nation.


  1. Concern about German patriots defending their nation...... Well, lookie here. Sounds just like our government trashing American patriots.

  2. Sounds to familiar. Is the same bunch that's running the show here also running it there?

    1. They must save money by using the same PR firms..............:)
