Sunday, October 11, 2015

Got Faith?

At last spring's NC PATCON introduction I spoke about how I miss the America I grew up in. I am going on 63 years old and times have indeed changed. I remember as a child getting up on a Saturday morning and heading off on my bicycle with my bat and glove or my fish pole and not coming home until just before dinner time and no one worried. That is not the world we live in today. Parents fear letting their children roam free because of the Evil that exists today.

Do not get me wrong Evil has always existed. But in the past Evil kept to the shadows and the darkness. Today Evil walks freely amongst us in the daylight. This is because the people have accepted Evil as inevitable and even worse almost commonplace. Evil has not grown stronger, people have grown weaker. People have accepted Evil as we allow the murder of millions of children in the name of a women's right to Choose. We have accepted gay marriage given the blessing of the government over the permanent bond of one man and one woman given the blessing of God. Evil no longer fears the light because men have chosen to live in Darkness.

Where I grew up so long ago it was commonplace for major traffic intersections to be directed by a round about. Vehicles would enter the round about and travel around the circle until they got to the exit that would let them proceed on their journey. As a nation, as a people we have been on a round about for years. We have been going round and round trying to find the right exit to continue our journey. Perhaps if we just took the exit that gave us one more election with just the right candidate for President. Perhaps if the congress now just elects the right Speaker of the House. Perhaps if these don't work and we just take up arms and revolt striking out at any and all parts of the current order.

There is but one way off this round about. There is now an open war on the Christian faith. You cannot insult Muhammad or Islam but you can openly mock Christianity and art is a crucifix in urine. Christians are not only being slaughtered in the Middle East but right here in Oregon at a community college people were asked if they were Christian and if they raised their hand they were shot in the head. After that first person was shot more raised their hand or kept their hand raised not being willing to deny their faith even in the face of death.

There is but one way off this round about. When confronting the Darkness, walk in the Light. When your time comes will you raise your hand?

Got Faith...



  1. How long will we continue our journey in to Egypt? How long will we watch as the chains of tyranny are forged through government, diEverstiy, globalism, and the invasion of our lands?

    Have we become such cowards that we would shame ourselves, our forefathers, and our children by not standing up against mere slanders? If our fathers faced the cold steel and shot of the British are we so faithless that we turn aside at words?

    "It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! "

    Average Joe
