Thursday, December 3, 2015

ISIS contained or covered up? & 'ISIS fighter' blows HIMSELF up by accident while firing rocket propelled grenade

Via David

With the recent terrorist attacks in Paris carried out by ISIS, Americans are on high alert—and rightfully so.  Just hours prior to the attacks Obama said that ISIS was “contained.”  Americans everywhere are baffled by Obama’s continued ignorance and lack of strategy when it comes to destroying the Islamic State.

Yesterday, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency stated on The Lead with Jake Tapper, that the White House knowingly ignored a 2012 report about the rise of ISIS because they didn’t mesh well with the re-election “narrative.”

More @ Hot Air


  1. Aww I was hoping for a pay off... not just a cloud of smoke.
    I know, I know.. that was mean.
    I'll confess at church next week ;)

  2. I only found two things disturbing. First, I couldn't read the subtitles, and secondly, there were no after action pictures to see if Achmed escaped injury.

    1. no after action pictures to see if Achmed escaped injury.

      We can pray he died. :)

  3. I don't think they're going to get a Take 2, not unless they have his double to stand in. :)

    It looks like he had his butt stuck out like a woman, and it must have thrown his aim off.

    The RPG Operator's Manual has a warning against doing that very thing in Section 12, Sub-section G, paragraph 6, on page 82.

    Guess he couldn't read Russian. :)

    Central Alabamaian

    1. Guess he couldn't read Russian. :)

      Or anything. Priceless. :)
