Sunday, January 31, 2016

Who Was Lavoy Finicum?

Via Billy

Like lots of other folks I kept my eye on the situation at the wildlife refuge near Burns, Oregon. I had my doubts that the occupation of the wildlife refuge was something the Sagebrush Warriors should have engaged in. I don’t question their intent or their integrity but I kind of felt this was one battle they should have passed up. It seems like all it did was to give the feds a chance to get even for being made to look so bad at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada in April of 2014. And you have to know, with their current Marxist mindset the feds will not just get mad, they will get even and then some.


  1. The father did what he did for his family.I wish we all had the same size balls to do it.It would be a better place.
    Paul C

    1. If we did, we would be back to a Republic shortly.

  2. A very good article. Thanks
    What about the BIG land owners like John Malone and Ted
    Turner just to mention a couple out of probably fifty.
    Why isn't the fed turds going after their land; it seems
    to be just the smaller ranchers, the ones they can bully.
    Wouldn't be surprised if the fed turds are working for
    big land owners for this purpose, push the little rancher
    out of business. After all, it's really
    a corporation gov.

    1. Wouldn't be surprised if the fed turds are working for
      big land owners for this purpose, push the little rancher out of business.

      Not one iota, here.
