Saturday, March 12, 2016

Commies Run Wild In Chicago

Via comment by Anonymous on "Don't Miss This Instruction Manual: The Red in the...":"There was a lot more going on in Chicago then was reported.Bolsheviks jumping on police vehicles, Bolsheviks in the parking garage beating cars with hammers and bats, Bolsheviks blocking entrance to emergency room so ambulances could not unload injured/sick pts. numerous attacks, etc."


  1. "One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution, one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. "

    George Orwell

  2. Black trump supporter shot and killed

    //also - *EVERY* post is requiring 'I'm not a robot' thing again... when are you going to 'whitelist' people so we don't have to go through the gates? :)

    1. Thanks.

  3. We can fully expect the violence to escalate. As Nassim Taken has recently said, people aren't voting for Trump and Sanders, "they are voting to destroy the establishment." It will no go down without a fight.

  4. We can fully expect the violence to escalate. As Nassim Taleb of "Black Swan" fame has recently said, people aren't just voting for Sanders and Trump, "they are voting to destroy the establishment." They will not go down without a fight. These street thugs have no idea whose ends their violence serves.

    1. These street thugs have no idea whose ends their violence serves.

      They think they're serving themselves since they are paid. :)

  5. Red Diaper babies (the children and grandchildren of Communists from the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s) fill the faculties of our universities and the Democratic Party. McCarthy was right.
    And also with communist ties, Your own President whisperer, Valarie Jarrett, has communist roots: Valerie Jarrett 's father, maternal grandfather and father-in-law were dedicated communists under prolonged investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to FBI files obtained by Judicial Watch.
