Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How Deep The Desperation Chapter 3

Via comment by JWMJR on Will Trump Be Swindled in Cleveland, Too?


I am not a regular listener to Rush Limbaugh. Today however I was working in my greenhouse and I turned on the radio just in time to hear this so-called independent conservative launch into a disingenuous defense of the Colorado Republican Party. After less than ten minutes of his bull crap I had had enough and had to turn it off. That does not mean I will let it slide without some deconstruction of his propaganda piece.

His basic contention seems to be that the Republican party is a private entity and that party insiders are perfectly justified in removing voters from the delegate selection process and that these insiders own the party structure and they are not going to let anyone, least of all rank and file registered Republican voters take it away from them.

Pure hypocrisy at its highest form. For decades we have heard nothing but from the RNC and it various mouthpieces that they wanted to make the party "more inclusive, broader based" that they were going to create "outreach programs" to accomplish that. But then what happens?

Firstly these same insiders give us a fundamentally flawed candidate in John McCain and then Mr. Wishy Washy Mitt Romney. On a national basis the choices made by the party elites do not appeal to anyone but themselves and those voters willing to hold their noses when they step into the voting booth. As numerous studies have shown there were sizable portions of otherwise Republican voters who either literally stayed home or simply skipped the Presidential vote on their ballots.

Yet when it comes to Congressional districts where candidates are closer to and more responsive to the voters. Republican control of the House has been solid and growing since the 2010 midterm election.


  1. obviously the GOPe did not get the message when the base refused to vote for mittens romney.
    hopefully this time will be different.
    hopefully this time, if the powers that think they are in charge use a contested convention to shove their choice of dem-lite candidate down our throat, the base sends a much different messaage.....
    if instead of staying silent by not voting, all the trump voters WRITE IN "DONLD TRUMP" and all the cruz supporters and all the "never trump" camp WRITE IN "TED CRUZ" the establishment will hve to hear, loud nd clear.
    sure, they will whine "if you tea party and insurgent nuts had voted for our guy, we would have won"...to which they will hear...hopefully for four years..."if you had given us trump OR cruz, like we voted for, you would not hve lost...wanna try again???"
    come to think of it, they NEED to HEAR this NOW...maybe they will get the message before drastic measures...and four more years of democratic destruction...happen.
    spread the message

    1. They will definitely get the message if Trump runs third party.

  2. The Indiana GOP is just as callus as the Colorado GOP. Politico ran an article on what the Indiana party bosses were planning in order to pack the delegates in the NOT Trump category. The article also ran on WND. What they are doing is legal but not ethical. If they stick to the plan I do also have a plan...to vote for the other party just to sack the elitists unless a 3rd party choice arises. I have had it with the state GOP who whined like cheap hookers when Lugar lost his senate bid and sandbagged the winning primary candidate.

    1. Agreed and see the opening comment of the piece I just put up.

  3. Rush Limbaugh is, and always has been a shill for the republicrat establishment. Throughout the last few presidential campaigns he's expressed his "distaste" for the RinO candidates, but when it comes down to the wire he ALWAYS encourages his DittoHead fans that our only hope is that same RinO candidate. I listen because the FM stations here suck and I don't do satellite radio. I heard the same crap that you did today. If you listen closely, he bashes Trump and Cruz just enough to sound real, but I can read between the lines. He was upset when Marco "anchor baby" Rubio dropped out. He's for whatever candidate the GOPe sets up.
    Sorry, no more. I'm opting out of this election and hunkering down.
    To quote Dave Mustaine (Megadeth);
    "If there's a new way,
    I'll be the first in line,
    But it better work this time"
    (from "Peace Sells")

    1. I"m voting for Trump even if I have to write him in, :)but hope he runs third party which will be one more nail in the GOP coffin.
