Monday, April 18, 2016

The Bundy Affair #10 – Again?

Gary Hunt


My last article in “The Bundy Affair” was published on October 31, 2014.  That article was “The Revenge of the BLM“, when the Bureau of Land Management tried to promulgate new rules, in favor of critters and against the People of this country.  Their effort failed, and, well, I thought that was the end of the story.

Unfortunately, the government, like a spoiled child, does not like to lose, even when they are wrong.  It appears that we have returned to that age when the King can do no wrong, and when the people do stand up to them, forcing them into compliance with the Constitution and the limitations imposed on them by that document, their vindictiveness does not abate.

The incident that garnered the attention of the country, and much of the world, culminating in the “Unrustling” of the Bundy cattle that had been rustled by the BLM (yes, illegally taking cattle and attempting to bypass Health and Brand inspections is rustling), on April 12, 2014, was, as all assumed, the end of the affair.

When a crime is committed, the government’s obligation is to take the matter before a Grand Jury, obtain an Indictment, and prosecute those who have committed the crime.  Justice should be swift, and the government’s duty is to pursue that justice, if there is a crime, in a timely manner.

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