Friday, April 29, 2016

Trump: We are now at 1001 delegates and will win on the first ballot

Via John

We are now at 1001 delegates. We will win on the first ballot and are not wasting time and effort on other ballots because system is rigged!


  1. 1001 means that he should get the nomination?

    1. 1002 as of today.
      Probably 40 at least in Indiana, 10042. Probably 55 to 65 from Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota and New Mexico. 1097 to 1107. 51 guaranteed from New Jersey, 1148 to 1158. The chances of Trump not getting an additional 79 to 89 delegates in California is nill as he leads the polls there at nearly 50%. As Shakespeare said "All doing and fury, signifying nothing. I don't want to be any where Beck or Levin when their heads explode. Just hope it gets captured on tape!

    2. I don't want to be any where Beck or Levin when their heads explode. Just hope it gets captured on tape!

      :) Though I just saw an article that said he might get screwed even with the necessary amount, but they might as well kiss their asses goodby if they do so.
