Sunday, November 13, 2016

There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America' : Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror.

Via Billy


Let's get this out of the way: there's no doubt that Donald Trump's policies may pose a direct threat to certain classes of American people. But in the wake of his Tuesday night election as president of the United States, there has been a wave of people worrying for the physical safety of Mexicans, Muslims, and anyone else who isn't white, male, and gender-conforming. The fear seems to legitimately be that there are would-be perpetrators of sexual assault and race-based violence that have been well-behaved so far but will now, emboldened by a President-elect Trump, suddenly go wild with the raping and the hate crimes.

Implausible? I think so. But the narrative has been bolstered by a few high-profile incidents of alleged aggression in Trump's America.

More @ Reason


  1. We know for a PROVEN fact the other side is willing to lie, cheat, and steal in their efforts to garner and maintain power. To attribute integrity, honesty, generosity, compassion, and like characteristics to those who are not acquainted with, or avoid, them places the mistaken party at a distinct disadvantage. Better to seem them as they are and treat them accordingly.

    By they way, has anyone asked Sara A. Harvard if she has stopped molesting her dog?

    Average Joe

    1. By they way, has anyone asked Sara A. Harvard if she has stopped molesting her dog?

