Well, a representative of the cultural Marxist class has come up with a new word in a pathetic attempt to define the reasons Trump won the presidential election when he really knew, in his heart of hearts, that Hitlery should have won it. The new term he came up with is "Whitelash." This representative of the cultural Marxist class is presently a commentator for CNN. Some have labeled that "news" network the "Communist News Network" because the Communists seem to get a better shake in their "news" broadcasts than anyone else does.
This CNN commentator is a man named Van Jones. Anyone remember good ol' Van? He was a special adviser for "Green Jobs" in the outgoing Obama Regime. He was Obama's "Green Jobs Czar."
You can find Van mentioned in various sites on the Internet. One site noted of him that "There's little question that Jones was an avowed communist." The site www.politifact.com noted that, in 1994 Mr. Jones was one of the founders o STORM, a Marxist-Leninist group whose hero was Chinese Communist dictator Mao Tse Tung. That's what Obama had for a "Green Jobs Czar." Anyone surprised? Jones made such a fuss in certain areas that he eventually had to resign. I don't know when CNN picked him up but they sure didn't get any bargain when they did.
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Flush! Is the word/sound I hear anytime I see or hear comrade Jones speak because that's what you do with crap.