Friday, December 30, 2016

The Facade Is Gone

The waning days of the Obama Administration have revealed what has always been evident, had the fake news media not covered it up and Democrats had not supported it: Barack Obama is a Muslim, who was elected president on the basis of a fake birth certificate. Everything he has done in office is a fraud and should be thrown out immediately upon the assumption of power by Donald Trump.

While I have always believed this, it was not too much of an issue with me, since the real problem was and is the fact that the un-American Democrats elected him, the anti-American media covered up his real agenda and the globalist Republicans refused to make it an issue. It is not the fraud of Barack Obama that is the problem, it is that there are so many enemies within the populace that allowed it, encouraged it and continue to support it.

So, I have always engaged the real problem, not the symptom of Barack Obama. George Soros is more of a threat to internal peace than Barack Obama. Obama is largely a failure on any number of issues. He did not destroy the United States of America; he did not inspire the race war he so desperately sought; he did not subjugate the United States to the United Nations. All he has done is a lot of my work for me.


  1. I am sure that without him there never would have been Trump. This is clear to me as day. If there had been even a slightly decent president no one would have seen through the facade of the Left.

  2. I have always believed that Obama has a legitimate birth certificate but intentionally released a fake one to play rope-a-dope with Republicans. I think Obama was surprised that that issue stuck and so he intentionally kept it going for laughs. It was a much better issue than discussing his Marxist past, his ties to corruption, and his hatred for America. Everyone needs to let this issue drop. It was always a moot issue since no one was going to use it as a basis to remove Obama from office.

    For Obama's birth year, creating a birth certificate would have been incredibly easy. Once he became president, he could have created any government document he wanted and made it look legitimate. That is what being in control of the government does for you. At this point, he could create a legitimate passport for himself using the name, "King Barry, Master of the Universe and Defender of the Faith". Do you really think he couldn't create a silly county birth certificate that would be indistinguishable from the real thing?

    1. Do you really think he couldn't create a silly county birth certificate that would be indistinguishable from the real thing?

      You would think so.

  3. The White House released this "birth certificate" in 2011. Within 24 hours it was proven to be a forgery. Nothing has been done about this by ANY agency or by Congress in the interim. Nothing will be done now unless Trump does it.

    1. Nothing has been done about this by ANY agency or by Congress in the interim. Nothing will be done now unless Trump does it.

