Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Vatican Attacks Trump Supporters Protestant and Catholic, as in need of correction, who diverge from true Christian faith, and pose a threat to American democracy and world peace.

Via Bill

In July, 2017, La Civilta Cattolica published an article entitled "Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism: A Surprising Ecumenism," a.k.a. "An Ecumenism of Hate." La Civilta Cattolica is Italian for Catholic Civilization. This publication is prestigious and long-lived. It was founded in 1850 and it is vetted by the Vatican. The authors of "An Ecumenism of Hate" are Antonio Spadaro a 51-year-old, Italian Jesuit and editor-in-chief of La Civilta Cattolica, and Marcelo Figueroa, a Presbyterian, Argentinian theologian. Both are close associates of Pope Francis.

"An Ecumenism of Hate" identifies Trump voters, Protestant and Catholic, as in need of correction, as they diverge from true Christian faith, and pose a threat to American democracy and world peace. These Trump voters are wrong about, or are handling in an incorrect way, the following: abortion, same-sex marriage, the environment, education, welfare, immigration, the current influx of migrants into Europe, and Islam. Given that the article was understood as a papally-endorsed, full-frontal attack on the president of the United States and his supporters, it received wide attention.

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  1. The only one needing correction is this Marxist pope. He presumes to preach to me, a Trump supporter, about Ecumenism of Hate? The liberal loons are the ones advocating abortion and same sex marriage. See how the Globalist masks are coming off? This POS can....well, you know. Arrogant SOB

    1. If Catholics want to learn about love, they should read GK Chesterton's essay, "The Patriotic Idea".

      Basically, that each polity and other societal division embrace what it has, celebrate its own uniqueness. And in this way we preserve the diversity and community of man.

      It's unrealistic, but it's a beautiful ideal.

      What's happening currently is the ME and Africa are outbreeding the world. It's perfectly moral to defend one's society.


      Some arguments for accepting refugees are compelling. I certainly don't want ME Christians to die out. Most immigrants are not such people though.

      And most societies seem to tolerate a low level of immigration, though sure, mixed children and foreign children can be persecuted a bit by other kids. That's just part of life. There are always divisions within older nationalities as well.

      A world without communities is worse.

    2. it's a beautiful ideal.

      I certainly is.


      And most societies seem to tolerate a low level of immigration

      Reminds me of an article on how all nations will be diluted with other nationalities and then it said "& Asia will remain Asia."

    3. China might grow so powerful it dictates what happens. But otherwise, it looks like you're correct.

      There's quite a reaction now in the US. Maybe things are changing here.

    4. Maybe things are changing here.

      When two or three are gathered......:)
