Monday, April 30, 2018

The Immigration Argument

It is time we as conservatives and Constitutionalists reframe the entire argument. Move the talking point from one of “virtue” in helping the poor illegals. Switch it to the “EVIL” of Human Trafficking.

Reframe those that support the “poor illegals,” into monsters selling humans as slaves and cheap, expendable labor. Everyone that blogs or writes should begin to change the way it is approached. “Rules for Radicals” works just as well for conservatives. Frame the argument in the terms of your opponent. Force them to begin to support Human Trafficking.
         -- Badger


  1. If hitler had only had his fellow Nazis invade Europe without guns and then voted their fellow Nazis in power his goal could have been realized, right?

    So, if a country is invaded slowly, and then via the vote the invaders take it over, is it less conquered?

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. So, if a country is invaded slowly, and then via the vote the invaders take it over, is it less conquered?

