Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Vietnam Veterans Set the Record Straight After PBS TV Series Whitewashes Communism

Via comment by indyjonesouthere on Socialism's Gateway Drug

 a list of names in white on a marble slab, soldiers who died or went missing in the Vietnam War.

This week, Vietnam veterans sent a letter to PBS, Ken Burns, and Bank of America setting the record straight about the Vietnam War.PBS's new documentary TV series, "The Vietnam War," produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick and funded by Bank of America, left out key aspects of the war, including the communist connections of North Vietnamese dictator Ho Chi Minh and the brutal repression after the war, veterans alleged.

"The whole cause of all this agony and bloodshed was the aggressive North Vietnamese invasion of the South. If it hadn't been for that, none of this ever would have happened," Lewis Sorley, a Vietnam War veteran, historian, and director at Vietnam Veterans for Factual History (VVFH), told PJ Media in an interview Wednesday. "Burns never seems to find that worth mentioning or condemning and I wonder why."

More @ PJ Media


    Fo posting this..... 'No time now, but you will shortly receive an email with a "Story!!!!" Leave it at that for now... It is about that time in my life... and yours too!!

  2. I don't think PBS would understand, until they had a few dozen breasts of their coworkers placed in a bag on the floor to show the displeasure of their bosses with their actions. Even then, I doubt they'd understand the larger picture of thousands being starved, beaten, tortured and watching their family members being dragged away daily for more "re-education".

    1. They could care less as it's anything for Collectivism!
