Saturday, July 14, 2018

Comment on "Left for Dead in Danville: How Globalism Is Killing Working Class America"

Comment by Midwest Reader on Comment on VA: Left for Dead in Danville: How Globalism 

Image result for Globalism Is Killing Working Class America"
I would like to dunk these clowns who gave us "free trade" into a barrel of tar and then roll them in chicken feathers just like the colonials did to charlatans like them.
Free trade wrecked the country, somebody has to go to jail for it. They stole our factory too, first our smaller company was bought up by GE, then they sold the building and "leased" it back for 5 years. At the end of 5 years they fired us all and sent it to China. Not just "monotonous" tasks like assembly, but all the technicians, managers, engineers, office workers, IT, machine shop, cafeteria workers, custodial crew, warehouse workers, and all the outside vendors who also got work from our existence lost their livelihood.
Like thinking you can get rid of all the Wildebeast and Zebras and still have Lions and Leopards? Eliminate the Privates and Corporals but still have a thriving office corps? Just fleece everyone with college loans and hand them degrees and magically high paying jobs will all await them in a world of all chiefs and no indians. Of course these were all lies rolling off these snakes tongues to sell a bill of goods that let them get even richer, and middle America's wealth and livelihood all going off to build up China.
Now that they've suckered the millennial generation with debt financed college at 5X what it used to cost 30 years back when is the real blowback against all this unprotected trade for the past generation that has made Uncle Sam as sick as an 80s queer covered in purple spots.I would like to dunk these clowns who gave us "free trade" into a barrel of tar and then roll them in chicken feathers just like the colonials did to charlatans like them. Free trade wrecked the country, somebody has to go to jail for it. They stole our factory too, first our smaller company was bought up by GE, then they sold the building and "leased" it back for 5 years.
At the end of 5 years they fired us all and sent it to China. Not just "monotonous" tasks like assembly, but all the technicians, managers, engineers, office workers, IT, machine shop, cafeteria workers, custodial crew, warehouse workers, and all the outside vendors who also got work from our existence lost their livelihood. Like thinking you can get rid of all the Wildebeast and Zebras and still have Lions and Leopards? Eliminate the Privates and Corporals but still have a thriving office corps? Just fleece everyone with college loans and hand them degrees and magically high paying jobs will all await them in a world of all chiefs and no indians.
Of course these were all lies rolling off these snakes tongues to sell a bill of goods that let them get even richer, and middle America's wealth and livelihood all going off to build up China. Now that they've suckered the millennial generation with debt financed college at 5X what it used to cost 30 years back when is the real blowback against all this unprotected trade for the past generation that has made Uncle Sam as sick as an 80s queer covered in purple spots.


  1. Brock, I think I am seeing double here. I even re-read the entire post 2 be sure, 2 be sure.

    1. That went over my head, but I'll get another beer and see if it helps. :)
