Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ivy League Study: Illegal Population is 22 Million, Double Estb. Estimate

Via Billy


The population of illegal migrants is roughly 22 million, or twice the establishment estimate of 11 million, say three professors from Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The shocking estimate will force establishment politicians and pro-migration advocates to recalculate the estimated impact of the huge illegal population on wages and salaries, on crime rates, welfare consumption, rental and real-estate prices, productivity rates, and the distribution of job-creating investment funds to coastal vs. heartland states.

The higher illegal population estimate helps explain why Americans’ wages and salaries have risen so little amid apparently record-low unemployment rates, and it also undercuts companies’ loud demands for yet more immigration of foreign workers, consumers, and renters.

 More @ Breitbart


  1. It's been over 30 million for at least a decade. But since the census isn't allowed to count them, I guess we'll never really know. Of course, Google and the other big data companies know. They know the names addresses and history of everyone in the country. Wit certainty. But they aren't saying. So instead we have just estimates, rounded to the nearest 10 million.


  2. Michael Savage says 40 million illegals.....but "they all have to
    go." Still waiting.........

  3. It sounds like Obumer's jobs/unemployment numbers a few years back. NO ONE WITH ANY SMARTS BELIEVED IT. We all knew that the Gubment was lying for someone's benefit. But, as it was back then, it is still today. What EXACTLY CAN WE THE PEOPLE DO ABOUT IT? TRUMP is trying, he is trying harder than ANYONE ELSE ever has. The bureaucracy (CANCER) is just too friggin big, powerful, and intrenched.

    Penicillin won't fix this drippy dick.

  4. More like 30 million.
